Dr. Scott Friedberg
Board Certified Family Physician
In the News...

Dr. Scott Friedberg is an expert in the area of family medicine and has been featured in television news segments and newspaper/magazine articles on topics such as flu, obesity and diabetes.

The South Florida Hospital News and Healthcare Report profiled Dr. Friedberg as a 2013 Top Physician. He is being recognized for his work in the community, both in his private practice in Boynton Beach and as the Medical Director of Manor Care Delray Beach.

Dr. Friedberg Named to Top Doc List (PDF — 189 KB)

Dr. Friedberg and CBS 12 News Anchor Ben Becker after being featured in a live interview for a health segment on the Sunday morning news show (West Palm Beach) December, 2010.
Battling Holiday Bulge
Dr. Scott Friedberg, Board Certified Family Physician, talks about portion control and overindulging during the holidays.

"Get moving," is a recommendation Dr. Friedberg makes for people with diabetes!
Click below to read an article from the Summer 2009 issue of "About Your Health" magazine in which he describes strategies every diabetic needs to know for staying active while managing their blood sugar.

About Your Health.pdf (PDF — 428 KB)
Dr. Friedberg comments on Tamiflu for the H1N1/Swine Flu outbreak on West Palm Beach's CBS 12 News. Read the text of the news segment below, or click to get connected to the story on the CBS web site.

April 28, 2009 6:47 PM

Health experts are cautioning people who feel flu-like symptoms against immediately using flu medication. They say that without being diagnosed with flu, anyone using flu medication can potentially become more susceptible to the infectious disease. Tamiflu is one of the only two FDA approved flu medications in the country. And at Dr. Scott Friedberg's office in Boynton Beach, anyone with a cough or scratchy throat is coming in requesting a batch. "Phone calls went up yesterday... I had two people walk in... New patients who wanted to be seen, thinking they had the swine flu... And asking specifically for Tamiflu," said Dr. Friedberg. The increasing demand, Dr. Friedberg says, is due to increasing panic and hysteria associated with reports of more swine flu cases being discovered throughout America and the world.
"I had one woman who was worked up into tears... She had all the symptoms of flu... Did she have the actual swine flu? I don't know... I had to take tests and send them to the CDC," said Dr. Friedberg. It is this hysteria that doctors fear will cause major problems if there were in fact a swine flu pandemic. People who don't have the flu... Or swine flu... Yet take Tamiflu or Relenza to combat flu-like symptoms, are making themselves more susceptible to a viral infection. "These organisms (viruses) are very smart... They can kind of genetically alter themselves or their genetic makeup to become resistant to the medication, so that if and when you do get the flu... You can't fight it," said Dr. Friedberg. And if the flu were to build a resistance to Tamiflu or Relenza, even the flu vaccine would most likely be rendered useless, as it is developed to treat older and mundane strains of the flu virus. Doctors are cautioning people against jumping the gun and taking medication that is not necessary. But they do say that anyone who feels sick should visit a physician and let that doctor make the decision as to what to do.